मंगळवार, १४ मार्च, २०२३

100 shortcut keys in computer

100 shortcut keys in computer

  • Ctrl + A Select all contents of the page.
  • Ctrl + B Bold highlighted selection.
  • Ctrl + C Copy selected text.
  • Ctrl + X Cut selected text.
  • Ctrl + N Open new/blank document.
  • Ctrl + O Open options.
  • Ctrl + P Open the print window.

Keyboard ShortcutAction
Ctrl + DBookmark current page
F1Open a mostly useless help page
F3Perform a text search on the current page, find next text result
Shift + F3Find previous text search results
Ctrl + FPerform a text search on the current page
Ctrl + GFind next text result
Ctrl + Shift + GFind previous text result
Ctrl + HOpen browsing history
Ctrl + JOpen the downloads folder and/or history
Ctrl + OOpen a local file in the browser
Ctrl + SDownload and save the current page

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