मंगळवार, १४ मार्च, २०२३

Moving Around in a Word Document


Moving Around in a Document

You can use keyboard shortcuts to easily navigate throughout your document. This can save time if you have a long document and don’t want to scroll through the entire thing, or simply want to easily move between words or sentences.

  • Left/Right Arrow: Move the insertion point (cursor) one character to the left or right
  • Ctrl+Left/Right Arrow: Move one word to the left or right
  • Up/Down Arrow: Move up or down one line
  • Ctrl+Up/Down Arrow: Move up or down one paragraph
  • End: Move to the end of the current line
  • Ctrl+End: Move to the end of the document
  • Home: Move to the beginning of the current line
  • Ctrl+Home: Move to the beginning of the document
  • Page Up/Page Down: Move up or down one screen

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